Monday, September 7, 2009

Beauty maker Bar Refaeli

Bar Refaeli gives herself home beauty treatments to maintain her stunning looks.

The 24-year-old Sports Illustrated model turns to her kitchen cupboards when she doesn't have time for expensive spa sessions.

The blonde beauty explained: "If I have the time, I'll have a facial or a body exfoliation at a spa and if I'm travelling, I like to have a massage at the hotel to help me relax.

"The rest of the time, I give myself home treatments such as face packs and I make body scrubs with oil and sea salt, which makes you incredibly smooth and gives your skin a glow."

Bar is also relaxed when it comes to staying in shape, preferring to walk and "run errands" than spend hours in the gym.

She said: "I try to do something every day, whether it's a full-on workout or a fast walk, running errands instead of getting in the car.

"It's better to do different exercises, so you work all your muscles. Plus, it keeps you interested."