Monday, September 7, 2009

Bar Refaeli Diet

Bar Refaeli’s ideal man is “someone who has family values, has a sense of humor, loves life, is intelligent, giving and understanding”.

“I don’t feel the need to be super skinny, but being in shape is important. But even if I wasn’t in this industry I would still want to look after myself and be healthy and keep my body in good condition,” Bar says.

On working out before the Sports Illustrated shoot: “I always want to look my best on a shoot, or for a fashion show, so I do an extra couple of sit-ups the night before and I drink hot water with lemon to get my metabolism kick-started in the morning and to cleanse my system, but I don’t do anything crazy.”

“There’s nothing worse than forcing yourself to spend hours in the gym when you don’t enjoy it, so I do all sorts of things to work out because I get bored easily.

“I don’t diet and I don’t have an eating plan, but I like to eat healthily. I don’t deny myself anything and there’s nothing I wouldn’t eat. I like desserts - I like food full-stop, but I exercise and I’m young, so everything keeps in check.”

Bar denies dieting before a swimsuit shoot or Victoria’s Secret catwalk show, saying “I guess every girl has days where she feels good and days where she feels she could lose a couple of pounds, and it’s the same for me, I’m generally in pretty good shape, but if I have a major shoot or fashion show coming up and I want to look my best, then I’ll spend a little extra time working out or I’ll stick to eating salads and chicken for a few days. I would never go on some crazy fad diet or eat anything weird to get thinner - it’s just not good for your body.”

On Leonardo DiCaprio split: “I am enjoying everything in my life right now, whether I happen to be in a relationship or not. I’m very busy and work’s great.